
Arkham knight all batsuits
Arkham knight all batsuits

Im awake, Im awake! A year later, anyone brave enough to drink toxic clown bodily fluid know as Mountain Dew could also get skin for game, provided that they survive trip to hospital to get their stomach pump afteward. I definitely remember that E3, because it was one where I was slowly falling asleep while waffling on stage at the PlayStation press conference and then I snapped back to life when the trailer for Arkham Knight was show off. And one that happens to have a hell of a story attached to it! Base on Batman from alternate Earth whose sole claim to fame is being the father of Helena Wayne and then dying during the Apokolips War, alternate costume was first given out at the 2015 PlayStation E3 event. Anyway, for fans who still play utterly superb swansong to all things Batman via Rocksteady, good news! While the studios next project may be anything from Superman game to full-on Suicide Squad experience according to whichever direction rumour winds flow in on any give day, some new content from Studio has finally come out: Batman Earth-2 skin for caped crusader. In the case of Batman: Arkham Knight, you have to be either a die-hard supporter of the game or a special kind of doofus who scour American shelves of Mountain Dew for the chance at unlocking a particularly niche Batsuit. Five years is a hell of a long time to wait for alternate video game skin, but hey were still getting regular emails from people wanting codes for Savage Kantus Shaman skin in Gears of War 3, so maybe it is not too unusual.

Arkham knight all batsuits